can you really point to any thing else the council has passed since they have been in this new session ??
this might be the high point of some of their career.. " you never know"..
try this.. write to them>> guaranteed that 80% of the time you will get a form letter response, or no response.. if you get anything with a paragraph that has at least 4-5 lines consider yourself anointed..
do you think maybe they could have had a public opinion poll to see where the over-all public stand on passing this.. or get out and meet the public by calling district meeting and see what the general consensus of the varied communities and collective communities may have proposed as options for addressing this issue..??
many of you discount the comment about the money that is allocated to Iraq.. and don't see it's the same principal.. it's not about what the people think it's how the dictators choose to act..
you don't care to see the whole of our system is this way.. the mass public wants out of Iraq but the man at the top wants to stay..
the mass public wants and needs money for their state and federal program and to fix this country.. but the people at the top only see to send the money to Iraq and any other place..
but if you passively and out of lack of awareness, accept it in one arena why bleep about it in another..
not one person seem to see that there are parallels in the wasting of the money in foreign activities while america suffers.. and the get back shut up and wear your pants right mindset in this arena. the tone is set at the top and it just continues to reverberate thru the systems..
but just as you people don't give a darn about the money being sent out of the country to fight a pointless war.. money sent to south america to fight a drug war.. but not many of you even commented on the article of Bossier talking about their Police don't have enough bullets..
it's very difficult as I see for people to connect the dots.. I point many elements that relate to things on a principal basis that have like associations.. and the comment most posted is to call it a rambling.. becase people can't and don't care to think enough to connect dots..
but it's all part of the same picture..
none even consider to acknowledge that the posting prior to summer stated how there was no jobs for the youth of this nation in the past summer.. and no federal money to support states to have jobs for the youth.. but none can see how the money drain to Iraq has and is hurting any and every avenue to have potential to change this stuff. so when you have nothing for the youth.. if "sagging pants is what it takes to rebel" then they wear sagging pants.. but just as so.. they could have had jobs that had dress codes which would have made a big dent in that..
on the simple side.. we got a city over grown with grass.. there could be federal money and state money to fund programs that can actually hire people "the youth " to do this.. there are many many jobs the city can't fill becase they have been cut back on what state and federal funds is available .. go around and take a look.. and it's all the elements of the same BIG PICTURE" but if you can't mentally and thru actual awareness connect the dots and see how things are all related.. then this .. single dimension bitching about this single point.. you will never get the picture.
this was listed and stated that such a vote was being considered.. but it's highly unlikely that there was any these .. I'll fight it to death.. people.. organizing any petitions or even mildly protesting this.. the council was open for people to attend..but only a few people did so...
so the bitching and moaning in here is not going to do anything but passify your mind.. that you said something.. but the end result .. many will still do nothing.. and tomorrow it will just be another news article that the attention will drift into.. and this will be another back burner item..
now that's the reality that we live in. so get your thrill and scream your heart out.. and then it will be over and done with.. that's just how the predicaments of our life has become to be what it is.. This region is as we know and we see by how far it's behind the nation and the world.. is a " do nothing" bleep and moan, and still do nothing region.. " we know we have the worst education system in the nation.. and .. we many don't even bleep and moan and the few that do.. will do nothing beyond that.. but bleep and moan.. and the kids just get dumber and dumber.. No one knows how to even approach the process of change.. and the one's who do know are keeping their mouth shut.. we have been groomed to live like a sheep mentality society.. and just like a pack of sheep.. yelling " baa baa.. that's about all thing will amount to.. and the whole pack of us.. will just be brought in a shaved for our wool and set right back out to pasture.. and we go willingly with our tail tucked between our legs.. trying to huddle to keep warm..
this region did not get this way except by the lack of people concerns the lack of people motivating and the lack of people involvement.. in general.. people don't give a darn.. as long as they can open their refrigerator and find food and maybe hit a few chicken spots and get the kids some mcDonalds and buy a car every other year.. that's it.. and the cycle continues.. We should have had better roads so this car you buy don't nearly fall apart from rising on these terrible bump riddled streets..
but people don't say anything nor do they do anything.. it's just go about your way.. and whine when you see an option that you can do so.. and no one knows who you are. half these people in here would not even sign a petition for anything becase they don't want their name known..
Shreveport did not come to be the run down nearly full of dilapidated building that it is.. which can't keep the grass cut around the city.. that allow the city at night to be filled by dim lit lights that can't light up 20 feet .. using bulbs that probably burn more electricity than the new type of bulbs.. city of an insulting Fair grounds and much else that is unkept.. becase it has people who do something.. it became this way becase we have a city of people who are not going to do anything and will not and do not have the get up and go to try and do anything to make anything better.
how many of you have ever even noticed that the street lighting along our main streets is the worst ever.. but on I-49 they have excellent lights for what the state highway department put in.. but people just assume that's how it's suppose to be. so it stays as it is .. pathetic.. and dimly lit streets..
you go down any major street in the city.. and look at the grass in the medium.. it looks horrible.. but people ride by and don't say a word..
I write to the city about this stuff, I've gone to the council meeting and addressed it.. but for some reason not any person stood to second the motion.. but I still write about it.. and will continue until I see some change. when I complained about the street lighting.. next thing I know they are pulling papers on my house to see if I did electrical upgrades.. which had already been done.. and they would not have had to inquire if they had checked the records.. but that was a way to hassle me becase I complained.. and addressed it to the people who are responsible for this.. but the city does not fix things becase one person complains.. many people have to complain.. but people don't even notice nor do they care..
it's pathetic we don't have continuous crews to keep our medians grass cut and do it with respect.. they just run the tractor past it, and to hell with the grass growing down the curbing or the areas where you can't see the side walk.. go by lakeshore school.. and tell me why the grass on the public side walk is not edged.. and yet this is in front of a school that we expect the kids to think excellence when they sidewalk looks like a forgotten area. go look at Fair Park and ask yourself why is there no sprinklers that keep the grass looking nice and maybe just maybe once a year they could put some grass food on the grass to try and make it look nice.. but this is a house of education that we expect our kids to have pride.. go by any school in the city and tell me why there is grass growing up between the fence.. on any fence around the school..
but nope these things represent jobs that should exist and jobs that could be done and jobs that could be had by these youth.. but nope.. our money goes to Iraq and any other place.. and our people don't say a darn thing about nothing.. so we get what we get.. what does it look like for a bunch of neatly dressed kids having to walk past and be in this stuff. We are pathetic to say the least.. and all of us are guilt ... I am so embarrassed at the condition of our schools and the general public areas that it's depressing to drive down the street.. some area they don't get their curb painted.. but I bet you go out on Ellerby they are well painted and that grass surely does not grow up without being regularly cut.. becase they know the people in that area are not going to stand for it..
look around people.. even our city don't get on major business to fix stuff.. but you will never in your life see a Texaco station look like the one on Hearne and Hollywood.. with the faded out paint and the top looks like it might just fall..
code enforcements don't care because the people in the area don't care and more so they don't even pay enough attention to even consider to care... so the area looks like crap.. you think the turkey leg shack on Hearne south of the I-20 exit would ever be allowed on Youree drive. NO.. but the people don't care in the area that it exist.. so maybe next week they will add another one.. and then get a paint brush and write the world turkey legs on it and prop it up against some bricks..
We we allow these areas to become gehtto demeanor.. and we just ride past it like it's nothing.. becase that's what we are use to seeing.. so it's just get's worst over time.. so if kids see that.. what the hell is the difference in them wearing sagging pants.. it's just another symbolism that is breed and feed by the conditions that we allow.
our health department does not inspect and rate business and post sign in the window of their rating or their problems.. so what do we get.. we get rolling rib shack with the screen wire dirty with three years of dirt on it that is ripped and torn and the place looks unsanitary even from the viewing of it at a distance.. and yet it's allowed and even patronized.. by smiling people.
all this stuff is part of the same picture .. and it's all a result of a do nothing community of city dwellers..
We got run away crime.. because .. we don't mandate that business be well lit, that we mandate that we get managed and public notified info on patrols in our areas ... and many many things... Ask your council person what are they doing individually to bring business to their community... what are they doing to have some of these empty lots turned into neighbor hood parks.. kids have to go so far to get to a park .. that parks are not even a part of their concept of city life. do they have a plan to inspire business in their district and region.. what are they doing to petition city development to give their area some ideas resources and allocations for funding for business enhancements and urban renewal of the business in their district.. they don';t have to do it becase we are not smart enough to ask for it.. and we are not active enough to demand it.. but yet.. you pay the same tax when you spend a dollar as any other sector pays.. you get nothing because you do nothing, you say nothing and you pay attention to nothing.. and then.. your area falls because you let it.
This is the America we live in.. that's why they can send our money to any nation around the world and we think we can do nothing but about and they know as long as we think that .. then we can do nothing about it..
Norway.. has an amazing wall system to prevent flooding.. that is very advanced in every category of it's design.. but what are they doing in New Orleans .. building another tiny block wall.. and telling people they don't have money.. they spent 1 billion on the rebuilding of it.. and most of that was wasted.. but yet.. we can send off 50 billion dollars to Iraq of ADDITIONAL money.. but we can't put 5 billion to build a well designed and planned and actually function water wall in New Orleans.. but that Half Trillion dollars will go to Iraq and they will be asking for another 1/2 trillion in 6 months.
but you don't see the connections.
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