disintegration of the social fiber..
what kind of people have we become.. Old men molesting children, priest molesting children,young women molesting boys,mass non procreational relationships dominating the landscapes, families that kill each other, students that shoot up the classroom and the school,drugged out children, drop out youth, gunslinger teens, and mad men who raid corporations, corporate leaders that sell off industry and merchants that charge 300% mark up for China, India and all of the Asian regional cheap labor goods, and working on turning the African continents into even cheaper labor producers of goods... as if the people of these regions are considered and treated as the 21st century slave labor forces... giving them nothing but relying on their labors as if we are all whip slinging masters of consumption.
then Acting and Being.. as a group of nations that can't trade Internationally with any fairness of any sort on any level nor in any commodity. a groups of countries of many cities littered with closed business and shut down factories and a people in millions of low paying no-opportunity jobs... eating food swelled to look matured in a matter of days by hormones, that has infested the bodies of our youth, now they grow disproportional and seem to have a mental disconnect, and psychological problem common to the slum natured environment once produced, which is now produced by the whole of the nation.. in both suburbia, rural and city dwellers and even invading the country villages and the hillside back woods communities..... we can't see anything for the grasp of a dollar, the delusion of importance, and the illusion of status and vain acclaim.. driven by a media that is filled with fake manufactured drama.. now the mass 24/7 entertainment making mockery of all things public and private.. for the sake of a rating.. with smiling women and pseudo men cropped and propped as the beacons of chaos... spewing rhetoric by the minute then cycling it for 2 days and nights.. till they whip society into hysteria or pure agitations of any and every sort.. and we don't know whom we are nor what we want.. and find ourselves satisfied with nothing.. so we violate everything..
Are we not as a group of nations.. now.. become ...all that "a Ghetto" is.. The world over
Maybe we've always been this.. but ...now the media can show us more of what we have always been.. "barbarians" ..in custom attire..
in a continual mode of feudal motivated living.. conquer, capture, contain, agitate and attack, demoralize and demolish,
live by gluttionist motivations, hoarding anything and everything, and have the sloth of disregard, the greed of the common pig, that has no filling point, acting with wrath against anything and everything that does not yield to one's avarice, and hold and envious demeanor at anyone else having, holding or even considering anything.. and thus holding a sense of pride about ourselves fro being such consumptions of self.
unaware of the.. other side of the coin of life.. of life virtues... such as..
chastity not just about sex.. but of life things, abstinence not just about sex, but other self consumptions,, liberality, diligence, patience, kindness, and humility. these are unknown things in the format of the world today.. and maybe it was not of the world of yesterday.. only a vague though that was eagerly ignored..
but.. we got just what we created.. " how you like yourself now" ???
make a bomb, pop a cap.. kill something.. mentality.. and now.. you can't go outside and feel any comfort..
it's go to work, go home.. bitch at your mate, make a baby , disregard it, go to sleep and repeat the cycle.. and a generational degenerating element of a people.. who may have had the potential to be civilized.. ???
now go figure?? how ya like it ??
Now.. can you see why we need Church.. * with leaders that teach us truth, not those whom glorify themselves and exhault themselves above the stature of being a simple teacher of truth..as the deliverer of the words of truth. and maybe more of us should not just go but actually believe in what the teaching of the Lord offers to give unto us.. in the nature of what it is .. to regard love and honor what is loving.. we have it very simply put.. in ... 10 Commandments.. and one Golden Rule ... and all the teaching many parables.. demonstrate the how's and why's of our benefit to honor such. it's more simple than not.. but we have lost the will of belief.
I'm certain God knew what he was doing when he gave us this. but we think we know better.. to the point we can ignore it.. resulting in us being a lost people. making our own "hell" upon the "garden of earth ".
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