We are a small city..with what maybe a bit over 200K people.. so if we expect to grow and as we grow.. if we become the elements that drive and push the growth thru managed and informed and proactive growth then we might have a chance.. to even become a city that can be proud..
but as long as we function like a racist , back woods, country town that's what we will be and we will see further and further decay of everything.
I'd assume that the average parent does not even know what the curriculum that their child is part of.. they just know the child goes to school. and the other people only care about the football or baseball team and maybe the cheerleader squad.. if you asked the parents to attend a meeting at their school they will immediately count the ways they don't have time for such..
how many even asked what happen to the school band.. what happen to and how is PE classes conducted.. half the kids could not run one lap around the school track.. and they go to school and they take a pass when it comes to PE class. and sit it out undressed.. why.. they know the parents don't care and will buy any lie the child gives.. and then it's a forgotten item..
how many of these hoodlum kids get kicked out of school and the parents never goes to see what the problem is and then goes and blame the school rather than to look at their little hoodlum who created the situation to get kicked out..
people just don't care.. and in many instance some are too over strapped to even care.. working two dead end jobs .. in a city that has no progressive jobs..
We got two non discussed Universities in this city and you never hear a thing about either one of them..
Centenary and Southern University and the only thing you hear about LUS is the sports guy on the news can't stop saying the word Mudbugs..
why don't these colleges have youth intergration classes on Weekends.. why don't these schools hae program that the senior or even junior year students have and be a part of mentoring classes that are sponsored and offered to the youth and maybe even go to the school and hold and conduct these classes on weekends.. and the parents turn off the game console and the computer games and the Saturday morning cartoons and get their kids up and send them to these classes..
I watched in Calif.. the Asian community.. many of their kids got up on Saturday morning to go to "math classes" some of them sent their kids in the evening around 5-7pm..
they held language classes for their kids.. and they took them to the class ..
but here.. we have nothing .. but go to school till 2:15.. by 1:30 forget everything and start preparing to go home.. and they go hang out and walk the street till some of them maybe 9pm and then they go in play a video game and go to bed.. after they eat up everything in the hose and gain more weight than hormone fed cattle.. in a meat factory..
this is the America .. and that's why the Foreign nations are kicking our ass.. in every category..
I've not even seen the mention of a Science Fair on the TV since I been living here.. I've not seen a city wide spelling bee, held since I 've been here.. so one thing is for sure.. these kids can't create it for themselves but maybe just maybe they would be a part of it if the adults had the vision to create some of this stuff.
they may get involved in something and fashion becomes a secondary thing in their minds..
but we leave them to nothing so the only thing they have to grasp and hang on to is the fad image of the season and cell phones.. and that's what they do.
some area they have no community groups.. so they create their own.. "it's called "Gangs".. people seek comradeship.. and since we offer nothing to the kids for that purpose.. then" Gangs" will continue to flourish.. some place the only recreation is .. breaking windows out of old building.. or grouping together in packs going out looking for something to do to get a laugh and such things become acts of violence.. becase it gives them a laugh and something to boast about.. we create this by creating nothing else. and as long as we are do nothing people.. we will have do nothing youth.
I joined an auto club.. and I'm amazed to see .. the kids come and they bring their customized bicycles.. becase they want to participate.. they walk around with hungry eyes.. just hoping someone will talk to them about something.. we are the problem not the kids.. they have no ability to create the things we consider to be constructive.. they can however create much destruction .. becase there is not to construct.. We have failed the kids.. with out high society I'm fashionable and I got some money mindset.. of do nothing but flaunt and become boisterous about nothing.. but .. out do the neighbor mentality and then have a resentful and envious attitude at the neighbor becase they have flower in their yard.
We got this stupid.. white black seperation that presumes one is better than the other.. and it trickles right on down to the kids being segregated..
my little johnny is too white to play with your kids and the other my is too black to hang out with white kids.. and the stupidity continues..
the city council may be less of the problem than you imagine them to be.. it's the nature of the people of this city.. we are just a hick country town that happens to have a maybe one or two 20 sotry + buildings in the middle of a decayed surroundings.. bordered by a few casino's set up for the old people to do something..
there is an area to the North up the river where it curves.. would make an excellent location for our economic development to go to Disney and solicit them to come and build a Recreation center and maybe partner with a Casino to have something like what Vegas has many of.. that's multi purpose gaming and recreation complex that accommodates both adults and youth.. but that' too much like asking Shreveport to build it's own space shuttle and go to mars.. We can't grow becase we can't think beyond small time stuff.. and our city delegation does not get on the plane and travel and see what can be possible.. and get to work to make it so..
What the hell is the use of the land to anyone sitting there growing weeds.. donate the land to these entities to come and build.. give them tax concession so they will come and build.. if the city don't plan to dissolve in 30 years.. what's wrong with a 30 year yield of the land..
the down town airport is pathetic.. but it could be put to use and made functional.. has it ever considered to bring in the small carriers that have the people close to the convention center and the gaming area.. but why not make the offer and see what comes back.
without creativity nothing develops.. nothing at all.
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